Audio Ordeal

Music Production, Podcast, and DJ Tutorials

How to build a VST – Lesson 1: Intro to JUCE

6 min read

Juce is a code library written in C++ that can be used to develop your own audio plugins from scratch. It can be fairly daunting to write your own audio processing code, but once you have the basics down, you have full control over what your plugins do, and can customise them endlessly.

In this tutorial, I’ll go over first time installation, the Projucer app and coding your first plugin!


The Juce library can be downloaded here and is free for personal use.

You will also need a supported IDE, in this tutorial I will be using Visual Studio.

Operating System Supported IDE
Visual Studio, Code::Blocks
Makefile, Code::Blocks

To test the plugin I recommend using the Reaper DAW, available here.

Installation/Set up

After downloading the Juce library place it wherever you like on your PC, I placed mine in C:\Program Files, then run the Projucer app. You will be required to create a Roli account at this stage. After making an account open up global paths and make sure they are set to the right locations.

Global paths need to be set in the Projucer app, in my case they are in C:\Program Files

Projucer will automatically generate different starter files depending on what you want to develop. In this tutorial we will develop an Audio Plugin. An audio plugin can be placed on a channel in your DAW.

Projucer automatically creates project files, for now select audio plugin.

On this screen choose the project name, location and which IDE you have installed.

This screen shows the files automatically created by JUCE. Open up the settings and select VST3 as the plugin format. JUCE makes it very easy to change the format of your plugin, for this tutorial we will create a VST3 plugin. Now select the open in IDE button, which will open up the project in your IDE.

  1. Open Settings 
  2. Select VST3
  3. Open in IDE, in this case Visual Studio

Build a solution in your IDE to make sure everything is installed properly.

Coding Your First Plugin

You should see 4 files in your source folder:

            • PluginEditor.cpp
            • PluginEditor.h
            • PluginProcessor.cpp
            • PluginProcessor.h

These files contain a bunch of auto-generated code, you may feel intimidated at this point, but you don’t need to worry about most of this code yet! To start we will focus on the PluginProcessor.cpp file, so open up this file  in your IDE. This is where you will code the bulk of your plugin.

Scroll down until you reach the process block. Delete all the pre-generated code between the brackets.

When JUCE auto-generated the project files, a buffer array was created. This is an array of samples that changes depending on the block size set in your DAW. So if your block size is set to 512 samples, the array will have a length of 512. We will use a for loop to change the data in this array, by iterating through the array and changing the value of the samples.

Write this code into your process block:

auto* channeldata = buffer.getWritePointer(0); //—1

for (int i = 0; i < buffer.getNumSamples(); i++) //—2



1: Assigns a variable channeldata as the write pointer of the audio buffer. Selecting 0 in getWritePointer() will assign channeldata to the left input channel.

2: For loop that iterates through the audio buffer but doesn’t change anything yet. 

Add these three lines to the for loop.

auto input = channeldata[i]; //—1

       input = input * 0.0f; //—2

       channeldata[i] = input; //—3

1: Sets a variable input as one sample i from the channeldata variable. This input variable will change every sample.

2: Multiplies input by 0. Muting this channel of audio data.

3: Input is written back into channel data.

So this code multiplies every sample value in the audio buffer by 0, muting the output. When this plugin is placed on a track in your DAW it will mute the left channel of audio.’

These tables should give you a better idea about what this code is doing. The top table shows the sample data in a buffer before it enters our for loop. The bottom table shows the sample data after the loop. Every sample value has been mulitplied by 0. When we write this data back into the channeldata variable we are replacing the first sample values with the sample values multiplied by 0, which mutes the output from this channel.

Input Samples 1 2 3 4... ... ..511 512
Sample Value
Output Samples 1 2 3 4... ... ..511 512
Sample Value * 0

Let’s try this out now in your DAW, first build the project. This will create a VST3 file in the project directory under Builds->VisualStudio2017->x64->Debug->VST3. Open your DAW of choice and set this folder as a VST location, or move the built file to your VST directory.

Add the new VST effect to an audio channel and you should see the following results:

The left channel of audio is muted when the plugin is turned on. To mute both channels of audio make the following modifications to the code:

auto inputL = channeldataL[i]; 
auto inputR = channeldataR[i]; //—1

inputL = inputL * 0;
inputR = inputR * 0; //—2

channeldataL[i] = inputL;
channeldataR[i] = inputR; //—3

With this code both channels  are affected by the code. If you build the plugin again you should see both left and right channel being muted by the plugin.

Make sure to move the newly built plugin to your VST folder to see the results

Try changing the value multiplied to InputL and InputR, you will see a boost or cut in volume depending on the values you choose after you have built the VST plugin. To change this value in real-time from the DAW we need to build a UI.

There are a few ways to design the UI for a JUCE plugin. One of the simplest ways is to use the generic audio processor UI. This can be used to add UI elements like sliders and boxes to your plugin.

To set this up replace the following code:

//return new DemoProjectAudioProcessorEditor (*this);

return new GenericAudioProcessorEditor(this);

This means the plugin will use the generic UI provided with the JUCE library.

Next, we need to add a variable in the PluginProcessor.h file. Open this file, find the private section and add the following code:

Adding an AudioParameterFloat to Plugin.Processor.h

AudioParameterFloat* gain;

This variable will be changed by the UI slider we add next.

Back in PluginProcessor.cpp add this code:

This adds a new parameter, the generic UI will generate a slider to control this parameter.

addParameter(gain = new AudioParameterFloat(“gain”, “Gain”, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));

“gain” references the AudioProcessorFloat we created in PluginProcessor.h.

“Gain” will be shown next to the slider in the DAW.

The float values set the minimum, maximum, and default values for the slider.

Build the plugin now and you will see a slider called Gain. This can be moved between 0 and 1 but doesn’t change anything yet.

float gSlider = gain->get();

inputL = inputL * gSlider;

inputR = inputR * gSlider;

This code first declares a new variable gSlider, then uses a get function to find the value of the gain slider, this value will be changed by moving the slider in the DAW. This value is then multiplied to inputL and inputR, replacing the static float we were using before.

Build the plugin again and it will look like this in your DAW:

The gain slider will now change the volume of incoming audio data. 

In this tutorial we created a very basic gain plugin, this isn’t a very exciting plugin but shows the process of developing and testing audio plugins using JUCE. More complicated plugins are made by modifying the process block and adding more UI elements like buttons and choice boxes.

In the next tutorial I’ll show you how to use these UI elements and how to code a slightly more sophisticated plugin.

Code for the plugin can be found here:

9 thoughts on “How to build a VST – Lesson 1: Intro to JUCE

  1. Thank you! Your style is clear and methodical. Much appreciated. Looking forward to more when you have the chance!

  2. Can you help me out? I’m trying to test this in Presonus Studio One 4.5 but the plugin is not showing up.

  3. Thank you so much for these tutorials! I’ve been wanting to build my own VSTs for years but felt like getting started would be too difficult. This first tutorial alone gave me enough info to make a first simple, useful VST. Thank you!

  4. Hi ! I really enjoy this tutorial, I just don’t understand something: I can’t use AudioParameterFloat, it is underlined in red when I do so. Visual Studio says it’s “undefined”. I’m on windows, so maybe it works a bit differently ? Can you please help me out ?

    1. Ey so i fixed this issue by putting “juce::” infront of the two AudioParameterFloat calls. I think maybe the packages have changed formatting with time.

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